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Capricorn and Libra

Libra and Capricorn can be a good couple — if they can uncover their sometimes-difficult-to-find similarities. On the surface, these two couldn’t be more different: while Capricorn is quiet and unassuming, Libra tends to be a social butterfly. Capricorn is concerned with hard work as a means toward career advancement and recognition; Libra is concerned with beauty, art and balance in life and relationships. Their approaches to life are once again quite different: Libra is pondering and intellectual, but Capricorn sees the value of doing things the hard way if it leads to certain success. Capricorn must take care not to discourage Libra from their natural enthusiasm and optimism, and Libra must put their natural diplomacy to use in order to maintain balance with Capricorn.
Libra relies on their intellect in life; their sensibilities are attuned to aesthetics, a subject on which a true Libra always has lots of opinions. Capricorns rely on brain power as well, but of a different sort; they search for the pragmatic method in all they do, and may not feel they have time to dabble in aesthetics. Both Signs are initiators, but they have such widely varying work ethics that they work better when they each have a particular, well-defined role. When it comes to conflict, Libra will be the first to back down, which will appease Capricorn (who likes to be right!). It’s important for both partners to understand that compromise is the key to their success. Once they allow one another to be themselves — rather than getting in one another’s way — they can blend well to make a whole.
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