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Aquarius and Virgo

When Virgo and Aquarius join together in a love match, they bring out either the best or worst in one another. Virgo has a more rigid, theory-oriented approach to life. The poetic Aquarian approach, on the other hand, knows nothing of the scientific world. But these two lovers may actually thrive on their differences; they grow together as they learn about one another. Aquarius tends to passionate and temperamental while Virgo operates more methodically, and with little fuss. Virgo is very organized and levelheaded. Aquarius is modern and finds routine unthinkable. Virgo will find Aquarius exciting but may become annoyed trying to probe this artist’s mind.
Aquarius will be upset by Virgo’s criticism, but will find the solid base Virgo provides very appealing. Conflicts can arise in this relationship if Virgo becomes obsessed with realizing the perfect relationship or Aquarius seems too aloof. But they are rare, and are usually resolved by more Virgo’s accommodating nature than by any concessions on Aquarius’s part. Both partners must appreciate and respect one another’s view of the world. The best aspect of the Virgo-Aquarius relationship is how their combined ambition can drive them to do miraculous deeds. This relationship tends to be informative, enlightening and a pleasure to both participants.
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