Virgo and Gemini

Light heart
It’s crucial to the survival of Gemini-Virgo relationship that they take time to learn about one another’s approach to life and love! Virgo may be a bit too serious and demanding for Gemini, especially if this occurs early in the relationship before Gemini has fully committed. If Virgo just gives it time, things will smooth out. Gemini can seem as if they have a split personality; steady Virgo can provide one Twin with a steady emotional anchor while allowing the other Twin to flit about at will. Virgo can help Gemini to be more involved in life and to see the depth of ideas rather than simply the surface. Gemini can help bring fun and excitement into Virgo’s life. Virgo wants a dependable partner and therefore uses the penchant for clear communication toward forming the perfect relationship. Gemini is more intellectually focused than Virgo but does have a gift in relating to others. Virgo is practical, direct and precise while Gemini moves through life relying on their mind. Virgo’s fussy, critical nature and Gemini’s aloof detachment and capriciousness can cause trouble for both partners. Virgo must understand that Gemini’s flirtatious nature does not affect their feelings regarding the relationship, and Gemini must help to foster that understanding through words and deeds. Virgo and Gemini are both quite flexible; they can give each other security - once Virgo allows Gemini to commit willingly to the relationship. As long as they communicate with each other and use their Mercury powers effectively, theirs will be a gratifying relationship.
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