Scorpio and Aquarius

Light heart
Scorpio and Aquarius have very different life philosophies and many very different needs. Scorpio faces their inner emotional world directly and with an intense energy, thinking deeply about the more hidden undercurrents of life; with their unusual, idealistic and, above all else, very social outlook on life, Aquarius seems an odd choice for the more introverted Scorpio. Aquarius needs a crowd to feel stimulated; Scorpio, on the other hand, desires engaging, probing and very intimate time with their romantic mates. Both Scorpio and Aquarius can be uncooperative and opinionated: They like things to go their way, no questions asked! For this love match, though, ‘their ways’ are very dissimilar. Scorpio is inquisitive, digging deeply into the hidden meaning of things, always asking questions and wanting to know where things are going and why. Aquarius is progressive and affable yet does not enjoy detail. Scorpio may be enticed by their differences, as Aquarius shows them new, exterior worlds but may end up frustrated trying to get answers from them. Aquarius does not welcome possessiveness, but a stinging Scorpion can be fiercely possessive. If Aquarius slows down and pays attention, they may find the devotion Scorpio provides to be a great support. A gentle Scorpio lover, careful not to tether an Aquarius in too tightly can teach their mate about a life based on emotional intuition, one that quiets the intellect sometimes in favor of physical sensation. Both need to appreciate their differences, come together and agree on their individual roles within the relationship, and once they do, the results can be intensely gratifying.
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