How to Get a Salary Boost Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Need extra cash? Ask your boss for a raise! Don’t worry about the current situation in the economy – the money is as good as in your pocket, you only need to know the way to ask for it based on your zodiac sign.
Use your star-sent superpowers to get a salary boost!
Every sign should resort to different tactics to put that raise in their bag! Choose yours and find out what you should do.
You were born a competitor, and you understand that one can’t win without doing more than others can. This is why the shortest path to career success for Aries lies through exceptional performance – you have to find out what others do and learn to do it better.
Simply put, stick to a certain activity in your field, get to know what is required for it, and do everything to meet the requirements to a tee – and the raise – together with a salary boost - will be as good as in your pocket!

It’s not in your nature to do what you are told to do. Proud Taurus is way above being ordered about, but how can you be a unique asset to your business, then? The answer is simple: volunteer!
Volunteer to train a newbie, work extra hours, or help your boss, even if for the time being it is for free. Thing is, every extra effort you put into work is another solid argument in favor of your raise. However, don’t act like a secret superhero – your boss should WHO is making that extra effort.

It is only fair that every worker should be paid according to the results they achieve, However, objectivity is not every boss’s strong suit, and sometimes emotion may sway them, too. And you need to learn to use it for your own benefit.
You need to be likable, so leave your negative emotions elsewhere. Don’t try to camouflage your lack of effort with a beaming face, though. Be as efficient as ever, but refrain from being gloomy – your shortcut to a raise is the good feeling you create at your workplace.

Taking care of people is your strong suit, so why not use it to secure a salary boost or a promotion? You can become an indispensable employee if you just transfer your nurturing attitude to your workplace.
Be soft and understanding, never resort to tactics like “Give me a raise or else!” – they will not work for you. You know how to approach everyone in a specific manner, how to add a personal touch to every work-related conversation and relationship, and this is what will make you a valuable asset.

You are a born performer, eloquent and brilliant. You know how to grab the attention of the audience and hold it for as long as you need to bring your ideas home to the listeners. But it doesn’t mean that you are imposing or make people feel obliged to you – it’s your natural enthusiasm that draws people.
Use your ability to speak with ease to your own benefit – you can speak on behalf of your company at a trade fair or a public meeting and help grow your business. And when you decide you deserve a raise, you will have a foolproof argument – the money you helped your company to earn.

You are one lucky zodiac sign! The only thing you have to do to get a raise is to just ask. That’s right, no special effort required! However, you will need to elaborate on why you deserve the raise, so work out a list of reasons in advance.
Devise your plan on paper, learn by heart, practice in front of the mirror, act it out and polish the wording to make the facts even more impressive. Practice will give you the confidence to face your boss, and it may even turn out so that you won’t have to explain the details – your initial statement will be impressive enough.

You are the mediator of the zodiac, pacifying conflicts at the workplace, helping to find a compromise or a wise solution, to establish effective communication between departments and with customers. Now is the time to reap the fruits of your efforts.
Tell your boss about the ways you made the company stronger and the customers – more loyal. Remind of how your networking skills helped otherwise distant colleagues work together efficiently and improve overall results. You have united the team – isn’t that enough for a small – or not so small – raise?

Your intuition is razor-sharp, and it will be an asset when it comes to asking for a raise. Should you ask now or is the boss not in the mood? What to mention and what to omit? How to present the situation in the best possible way? Good thing that you don’t have to ask yourself – you already know all the answers on the subconscious level.
Tune in to the atmosphere at your workplace and work your magic. Lay low, observe and seize the best moment when it comes – timing is of great importance when it comes to asking for a salary boost.

Education is one of the things you do and love best, so why not use it to secure a salary boost? You can master a skill to fulfill another duty or even get trained for a totally new job and learn how to juggle both. All in all, you need to expand your career horizons.
Move around your workplace, learn from peers and superiors, get to know as much as you can about the processes – it will be the ace in your hand when you come to your boss to discuss a raise. And remember: the more you can do, the more you will be paid for the versatile activities you engage in.

You may be known as a diligent employee, but you are a born leader and an inspiration, too. And your diligence is extremely contagious. Thing is, the more you do, the more is done by people around you.
Assume responsibility – and others will do, too. You create a reverse domino effect, if we may say that, so make sure you emphasize your positive influence when providing arguments in favor of getting a salary boost.

Some say Aquarius is aloof, but this peculiar nature of yours helps you envision the distant future and see the perspectives of your business. You are different, have a different vision, and have probably been hired because of the fresh perspective you have.
You easily adapt to change, which is the skill that helps you always fit, no matter how quickly the circumstances change. Your knowledge of technology is also quite impressive, and you are willing and able to keep pace with the rapidly evolving world. You are forever cutting-edge, and a raise will only increase your efficiency.

You can really empathize with people, so why not use that superpower of yours to try and look at yourself from your boss’s viewpoint. What value do you bring them? What can you improve to be more efficient? Give yourself a strict evaluation.
Now imagine your boss explaining why you need a salary boost to his/her bosses. Enumerate the reason and think if you can add anything to the list to make it more impressive. Then do as you planned and afterward spell out the reasons for a salary boost that your boss will find appropriate.