Fortune Horoscope: Love in March
No matter what sign native you are, the Sun and Venus in Pisces will strengthen your intuition and help you meet a true soulmate in March, while Mercury in fiery Aries will bring a tendency to question and debate about anything—something you'll have to learn to tame.
March Love Horoscope for All Signs
Spring is right around the corner, and passions run high! Find your sign and see how the month will unfold for you.
Mercury, the planet that rules communications, moves into your sign on March 10. Moreover, the Full Moon on March 25 in your partner sign Libra charges you with charm and a desire to socialize. If you are single, take this as your cue to update all profile pictures on social media and strike up casual conversations with anyone who likes the new ones. Or take a selfie with someone you have your eyes on at the gym. Remember that small risks can lead to big rewards, and don't shy away from anything that initially appears reckless.
If you are married or attached, Mercury will force you to think before you blurt out something in the heat of the moment, so there is no chance you can sabotage your relationship. During the New Moon in Pisces on March 10, you will find it easy to share your thoughts, plans, and worries with your partner. Don't be afraid they will misunderstand you — thanks to all the planetary movements and alignments, you two will literally be "on the same wavelength" throughout March. Plus, with your ruling planet Mars in dreamy Pisces, you'll feel the urge to be creative. Attend an art party, an art master class, or a photo shoot with your loved one; you both will enjoy the unusual activity.
You love your daily routine, dear Taurus, but March may disrupt it. Celebrate the arrival of spring with changes in your appearance: update your wardrobe, change your hairstyle or hair color - everything new and unexpected will be beneficial now. Pisces season encourages you to be creative and find inspiration in nature and art — it will help you understand yourself better and offer a chance to meet someone interesting, especially if you are single.

If you already have a partner, be careful when talking to them — Mercury is in fiery Aries, foreshadowing problems in communication. However, this does not mean that the whole month will be marked by controversies — you just need to tread lightly around controversial topics. No one wins if you both persist, so take the time to listen and honestly accept what your loved one shares. And if you notice that the situation is heating up, try deescalating the argument by turning it into a prelude from something more interesting.
For Gemini sign natives, March will be about trust and deep affection. If you are single, pay attention to the people you can share your most intimate thoughts with. The Full Moon in Libra on March 25 is the ideal time for a date. Spend time with the person you like, just the two of you and nobody else. You'll be surprised how many things you've been needing to discuss in private. Don't be afraid if this new relationship moves faster than you expected. If, just a couple of weeks in, you are invited to meet the parents, do not refuse.
For those Twins who have already found their significant other, you and your partner will feel a deeper-than-usual connection. At the same time, with the transition of the planet of love from free Aquarius to sensitive Pisces, you may feel stifled in the relationship, craving a little more personal space. Do not escalate the conflict; choose to spend some time separately, each with their own friends. It won't hurt to take a short break from each other, for Geminis physically cannot stand being around anyone 24/7, even if it is the person they genuinely love and care about.
In March, single Cancers will feel a surge of creativity and interest in spiritual practices — well, with Venus in dreamy Pisces, it is only logical. Find some time to develop your spiritual side: sign up for that yoga class you saw advertised on social media or go on a retreat. In this calming, spiritually charged environment, you might meet someone worthy of your attention — and discover that you two have much in common. And when the Moon, your ruler, becomes full in Libra on March 25, you'll be ready for a perfect date.
March will also be an essential month for Cancers in a relationship. During Aquarius season, some of your resentments or issues with your significant other began to surface. But when Venus enters Pisces, they will move away because you will discover an unexpected capacity for compassion. Love with an open heart — this is what you can do best.
If you are still single by March, no worries — love will find a number of quite unexpected ways into your life, even if you did not intend to fall in love at this time. Take advantage of Mercury in your fellow Fire sign, Aries, and embrace eloquence. Performing on stage, be it a report, stand-up, or karaoke, will make everyone — including The One — notice you. Do not turn yourself into an unassailable fortress, though, if someone shows an interest in getting to know you better. The crown suits you perfectly, dear Leo, but there is a time to wear it and a time to put it aside.

For Leos in a relationship, March will be a time to let your creativity take flight. On the other hand, there may be a slight lull in social life, which is not typical for a living firework like yourself. However, it can still be good for you to take a break from the usual activities. How long has it been since you spent time with your loved one, just the two of you? Now is the time to catch up — before you return to your default party-hard mode in April.
Pisces season will bring some mystery and intuitiveness into your strictly logical life. You may even feel confused this month, which, oddly enough, will become the secret ingredient of your appeal, especially if you are single. Embrace the spontaneous side of life by trying something you wouldn't normally do. In addition, the New Moon in Pisces on March 10 will allow you to look at many familiar things — and people — from a completely different perspective.
If you already have a stable relationship, you should shift your focus to self-care. Purchase a journal with a beautiful cover and write down everything you consider important. And when you understand yourself and hone your wording, share the penned thoughts with your loved ones. March will be the best time to improve your life and communication and feel more comfortable together.
Single Libras will be popular in March — it even looks like you might have several tempting options at once! However, to make the right choice, you have to understand what YOU want first. To help with this, the Sun in Pisces favors activities like meditation, art, and simple interactions with nature. Do not waste time on underwhelming connections or ones that require too much effort from you. If you feel the other person is not pitching in to create a 50/50 balance, let it go and move on.
If you already are in a relationship, Venus in Pisces and the Full Moon in your sign encourage you to spend more time with your loved one. Make sure you arrange three romantic dates within the month — at least! It is vital not to stay home 24/7 but to experience something new. Buy tickets to that concert or book a little spa day for the two of you. Small surprises like this will let your significant other see they are not the only person who values your relationship and feel happier.
The planet of love will enter Pisces on March 12, promising all single Scorpios tempting romantic prospects. Keep your eyes and heart open — March is your new beginning! There is only one risk: instead of opting for interest and passion, you can go for pity and compassion — a very Piscean trait, so choose wisely and check twice! The Full Moon in Libra on March 25 is all about partnerships, so you might want to plan a date — don't let the night go to waste.

For Scorpios who have already found their significant other, there is excellent news: in March, you and your loved one will enjoy each other's company. Perhaps the good old "Should we move in together?" or "Should we have a baby?" questions will occupy your thoughts. Discuss the matter with your partner — and you might be surprised that you both are finally ready to take that responsibility. In fact, it might not even feel like a responsibility anymore — just a welcome chance to experience more joy together. Remember, though, the prerequisites of making a life-changing decision are mutual respect, calm conversation, and, of course, the desire to build a life together. If both of you are sure you have this, you are finally ready to take the next step.
After the hyper-social Aquarius season, single Sagittarians will experience a lull in their social life. Treat this as an opportunity for reflection, for once Aries season starts, you'll have to act fast! So, enjoy the quiet time alone, deep in your thoughts. It will help you understand your relationship goals at this point. You can also take a solo trip far from familiar places — it may give you an epiphany that will turn your life entirely about.
For those Sagittatians who already have a partner, communication will be a stumbling block this month. Mercury in Aries will make you assertive and even prone to arguments. If you feel like escalating a conflict for no particular reason, remember it's not you; it's Mercury, and channel this spontaneous energy elsewhere. Take a trip, go to a stand-up show, give a public speech, go live on your social media — but don't take it out on your partner! Instead, visit a drawing workshop or yoga for couples — anything unexpected and creative can work; just don't forget to ask your partner whether they are into it, too.
If you want to start a relationship, March will be perfect for exploring your options and trying something new. Just try not to set strict rules or limit your desires. Remember that anything is possible; anything can work out if you want it to. New unexpected initiatives and interests will set the mood for the whole spring and help you make promising acquaintances. A quick side note: Do not rush to define the role and status of your new acquaintance — let your story develop at its own pace.
For Capricorns in a relationship, March will be a perfect month to spend a little more time at home together. Refrain from pursuing your professional ambitions, for Venus in Pisces will bring calm and loving energy into your life, as well as the desire to shed responsibility. Listen to your emotions closely, be grateful and forgiving, even if your partner makes mistakes.
For the first 10 days of March, Venus will remain in your sign, which means you'll be in a whirlpool of emotions and romantic feelings. As the most sociable person in the entire zodiac, feel free to welcome the opportunity to spend more time with old and new friends. Consider doing something fun together, like going to a concert. You never know which of your old friends has secretly been soft about you for years! And remember: if someone seems to have taken an interest in you, well, they most probably have.
If you are in a relationship, March will bring a surge of activity. You've just celebrated your birthday, and now your power and ambition for accomplishments run high. Plan something big and share it with your loved one — even if their battery has a much lower charge than yours. Now is the right time for life-changing decisions, too, for the energy of Pisces will help you better understand your desires.
Venus, the planet of love, moves into your sign on March 12, and on the 22nd, it will be joined by Mars. Add to this the Sun and New Moon's ward support, and what will you get? That's right; you'll become especially appealing and attract tons of potential partners, so don't be surprised when you catch admiring glances in the street. Be open to meeting new people; you will surely find some attractive candidates for a closer connection.
As Venus moves from Aquarius to Pisces, you and your loved one will be in the mood to have fun, connect with friends, and try new things. You can try a new, unusual hobby that you can do together or get tickets to your favorite band's concert. And when the planet of love finally settles in your sign, the time will come for intimate conversations and quiet harmony, so feel free to enjoy the moment. Mars will also settle in your sign in March and will make you more assertive. Don't hold back if you want something — your initiatives may be not only accepted but welcome!