Financial Horoscope: What Does Money Mean to You?
Do you often go on wild spending sprees? Or manage your money wisely? Maybe you prefer to save for a rainy day? Let’s get a clear picture of your spending habits based on your Zodiac sign!
Take control of your money based on your sign
Cash problems, financial insecurity, lack of stability… Did you know that many of these problems may be caused by your Zodiac sign’s spending habits? Follow the simple yet effective tips for your sign below and enjoy economic stability every day of your life!
You can’t be called a slave to money, and money to you is not an aim in itself but just an instrument. You’re an adventurous person who likes travelling and sports, and these activities are to be funded somehow. Besides, you love to impress people by what you have, that’s why money is a means that can help you make a good impression on those who surround you.
You spend a lot, but you know how to earn a lot, too. You’re not very good at saving for a rainy day, so make sure your life partner can come to the rescue if a problem of this kind occurs. Try to stay reasonable and don’t give in to temptations too often.

To feel absolutely happy you need to surround yourself with things and possessions that are both pleasant to look at and can be considered a good investment. Other people may think you’re a cheapskate, but belonging to one of the most materialistic Zodiac signs you just can’t live in a different way.
You always want a bit more than people around you do, and it makes you spend more, too. Be careful not to lose more than you can afford if you don’t want to stay penniless. On the other hand, if you see that people demand from you more than you can give them, you can become a bit stressed and even irritated by the fact.

To feel secure you need to keep your finances in order, because money is the thing you really care about. Your self-discipline and business acumen will help you keep your financial affairs in good order, and you’ll get more respect from your colleagues and business partners.
You associate money with freedom, as it allows you to stay independent and do whatever you’d like to. Besides, as you’re a well-known technophile and social butterfly, you need more money to spend it on mobile gadgets, books, and various internet devices.

You value security more than anything else, so for you money is first and foremost a chance to fill your house or apartment with exquisite furniture and invite your innumerable friends to entertain them. One of the most dangerous drawbacks of such an attitude to life and money is that it can lead you to overspending.
You spare no expense on food and presents, so when you lack money you’re also upset because you can’t stay as generous as you used to be to the people who surround you. It’s hard for you to manage your money, because your fingers always itch to spend it in ways that’d surprise your close friends.

You’re the king of the Zodiac, so you simply can’t be poor. You can’t live without impressing others, and you need money to do it on a noble scale. You need to cultivate your royal image and entertain your people in the way they deserve. Don’t overreach yourself during the process!
Your family is in the center of your life, too, and you feel great when you’re able to indulge your close ones. To earn enough money for all your expense items you can try hand at banking, as you have good speculation skills and can see things that other people fail to notice.

You’re known for your tidiness and nicety, but when it comes to money you become absolutely disorganized. Belonging to one of the Earth signs, people of your type usually become more disciplined with money in their middle years. Don’t worry too much if it’s still a problem for you, because the situation can soon change for the better.
Although you don’t like to put on airs and wouldn’t spend money like water to impress others, you’re still able to spend quite a lot on quality things. Your needs and demands are not so flamboyant, but every single thing you purchase should be of excellent quality.

You’re known for your bizarre behavior and your extravagant look, so you need enough money to maintain the proper image. Your wardrobe is to be huge, spa treatments are to be regular and your numerous friends are to be entertained. Make sure you earn enough to support your current lifestyle if you don’t want to lose your shirt.
It may happen to you that you go too far in your attempts to live a luxurious lifestyle. But in your middle years you get enough wisdom to deal with your finances properly, so you shouldn’t worry too much about your financial future.

You can save money with no effort and are rather secretive about your finances. When dealing with your money you prefer to analyze all the possible options and choose the ones that suit you most. Money can give you two main things you want – security and power.
You don’t get the urge to throw your money about, but you want to be sure you have enough not to depend on others and on the situations you find yourself in. Your attitude to money is balanced and healthy, so you can be sure you’ll never end up in a financial gutter.

You’re absolutely sure you’re protected by your guardian angel, as you have the nature of a gambler. You may not waste all your money on horse racing or the lottery, but you keep thinking that your good luck is able to help you out of every tough situation.
Adventure is your second name, and you can’t live without fun in your life. Just make sure you have a stable cash income and can provide for both yourself and your family in any case. Don’t just let the situation run its course if you don’t want to run out of cash accidentally.

What you care about most is your social and career status, that’s why you need to have quite a huge sum of money on your bank account to feel good and secure. The things you buy are to be of top quality, although not necessarily glamorous or blatant.
You hate cheap kinds of entertainment preferring the most stylish pleasures, although you aren’t occupied with them too often. You worry a lot about your life after retirement, so you’ll surely prefer to secure yourself against all the possible unpleasant financial surprises.

Your attitude to your financial affairs is far from being reasonable. In most cases your behavior is impractical, as you tend to be too generous even to the people you hardly know. You don’t want to belong to the material world preferring to think you’re better than that.
Your weak point is the fact you have lots of friends who love entertainment. The older you become the stronger is their feeling that they can and have to rely on you and your financial muscle. Be careful if you want to save for a rainy day and avoid problems with cash.

You’re a romantic person who wouldn’t like to care about anything in the world except your own dreams, that’s why money is not the thing you think about most. Financial matters make you scared and drive you mad, and nothing can be done about it.
On the other hand, you’re good at making money, so you just need a person who’d do the rest. If you fail to find him or her, a money chaos is inevitable. You and your money can be parted unless you learn to manage them carefully and wisely.